Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission Resolution 193/23 integrates ISSB’s sustainability standards into domestic regulations, marking a significant leap towards ESG practices. Starting January 1, 2024, companies can voluntarily adopt these standards, turning mandatory by 2026.

This shift to ESG is not just a compliance move; it is changing how companies approach M&A strategies.

Bernardo Freitas (Corporate and M&A partner), and Thiago Riccio and Marcela Assis (respectively, Environmental partner and associate) have coauthored an article highlighting three impactful ways ESG is reshaping the M&A landscape.

Read the full content published by International Law Office (ILO)/Lexology):

#ESG #MergersAndAcquisitions #ForeignInvestmentInBrazil #CorporateLaw #CapitalMarkets #FreitasFerrazAdvogados

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